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2012 phenomenon - Is it true ???

The easy way to survive 2012 - through attractive real estate investment in South Africa!

2012 is only three years (2009 article) away and already panic and hysteria is in the air. Many fear that it will be the end. If the environmental prophecies come true there are some “safe havens” that will remain intact during the havoc.

Before we start to try and understand where are the so called safe places when the catastrophe of 2012 hits our planet, we should first understand where the most dangerous places are and why. This will help us better understand how to prepare and what to expect!

Altitude is not always a solid solution because the crust of the Earth will move and redraw the world map as we know it. Lower lands will most likely be inundated completely and certain maintain ranges will crumble as others will rise.

There will be tidal waves of about 2 kilometers (7000 feet) high wiping away any and all structures standing. Besides massive destruction, everything will be flooded which excludes surviving subterranean. Let's browse through major areas on Earth to understand what makes them so dangerous and exclude them for survival places in 2012.

Australia is no option since there will be a collapse of mountain ranges (which currently are over 2000 meters yet no longer when the Earth crust shift manifests). It will sink and be flooded in its totally offering very low survival chances. In addition, the high mountains are all natural parks on which you can't build bunkers or stockpile survival material. How long do you think you can survive without food, material, etc.?

Papua New Guinea had a land bridge with Australia after the previous cataclysm.

Then the ice melted and the land bridge disappeared. When studying the polar shift map, we can conclude that Australia will be close to the new polar circle making it virtually impossible to survive due to its extreme cold weather, snow and ice.

Canada and the USA will be amongst the worst affected areas on Earth. As a result of the polar shift, Canada and a large part of the US will be under the pole circle.

Besides this, Yellowstone houses a supervolcano which will erupt and cause massive destruction through lava covering large areas prior to the area being covered under ice.

Nuclear reactors will burst and melt causing a true nuclear Armageddon (see image of nuclear plants that will be affected).

South America overall has little optimistic outlook since the Earth's axis in these parts of the world will undergo the biggest shift, resulting in phenomenal earthquakes and volcanic outbursts. So we will encounter a real doomsday scenario here. However it is possible to survive if you stay at least 100 kilometers from volcanoes at an altitude of at least 3,000 meters. Another positive element is that only few nuclear facilities exist throughout South America.

Europe isn't much better off than the US is with its extensive arsenal of nuclear facilities and several volcanoes. The climate will also shift dramatically so even if one would survive, it probably wouldn't be for a long time before food and extreme cold weather claims the lives of most survivors. The good news is that Europeans do have some areas that are safer than others and those are reachable by road unlike some other safe areas in lesser developed countries. One of those safe locations is the Sierra Nevada, the southern mountain range known today for its most southern ski point in Europe. Downsides are that most peaks and higher areas are either popular ski resorts which are very expensive to acquire larger pieces of land and for the majority of non-ski resort areas, the government declared it as nature preserves. This makes it hard to make the due preparations of infrastructure and stockpile reserves in advance.

Asia and in particular South East Asia will be impacted by major volcano eruptions and nuclear meltdowns. History shows us past lava coverage of entire countries which terminated all life in those areas. Tidal waves are another problem that will be hard to overcome.

This leaves us with Africa as this is the most stable continent and this has been proven throughout the existence of the planet. Just open a world atlas and find the evolution of the global landmasses. This will quickly teach you that this continent has shifted the least of all continents, which can easily be attributed to the low number of vault lines and volcanoes present. Yet not all Africa is safe ground for this coming cataclysm. Same characteristics need to be taken into consideration when finding your safe haven for 2012.

With very few volcanoes and only one nuclear reactor (Cape Town, South Africa), the quest is on to find the ideal location more than 2,300 meters above sea level. The biggest backdrop is the poorly developed infrastructure and also the presence of fatal diseases such as malaria and cholera. Most transportation of supplies and infrastructural elements will have to be done by road. Roads are in most places hardly developed and put extra stress on getting ready in time for the 2012 events. In some countries additional political instability or even civil wars can make it impossible to even acquire or develop land to be suitable for survival. Click here to go to article

Africa is said to be one of those places to remain intact. (Even with the ice caps melting etc.) However, there are many problems that come with this. The geographical range of the regions are very diverse from north to south and east and west. On one side you have desert and on the other you have jungles. Africa already has a diminishing food supply, wars, genocides, and it is the world’s poorest country. Africa also has many diseases including Cholera, a widespread of HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Jaundice, Malaria, Polio, and Yellow Fever. Getting these vaccinations and your passport can take up to six months if not more so if this is the destination you wish to travel to for 2012, it is important to start preparing from 2011! Click here to go to article

Where do researchers claim you can be safe?

Many researchers have posed their thoughts on where you can weather the death-a-palooza, then cheerfully emerge into a post-apocalyptic world not unlike the video game "Fallout." Where do the authorities point us to?

The documentary "2012" pinpoints the Drakensberg Mountains in the KwaZulu Natal of Africa as the place to survive the world's end. Although apparently even if you make it you will be forced to put up with Oliver Platt so the desirability of survival is debatable. But other top researchers also point to the Drakensberg Mountains as the survival spot of choice. This location was first popularized by the Belgian researcher Patrick Geryl, who conveniently has a book you can buy about it. Some other authorities specifically recommend a comfy concrete bunker, but made with not too much iron since it evidently "attracts thunderbolts." Given what we know about the living conditions in the Drakensberg mountains, we will just hope the refuge from the apocalypse turns out to be somewhere with fewer roving packs of wild dogs and more Six Flags Amusement Parks.

Other sources point to anywhere but New York City. Anyone who watches documentaries (such as this one, this one or this one) will be familiar with how often New York City gets completely destroyed. But now we have even more detailed proof that a comet will strike New York City in the near future. Pastor Harry of the "Church of Philadelphia Internet" details how a comet in 2010 (it's okay his math is off, he probably means 2012) is foretold in the Bible. As a result, a 1000 foot tsunami will be created and submerge most of the US Eastern seaboard; which will be a great disaster except for in much of New Jersey. At any rate, it's probably safest to be anywhere with a low concentration of New York Jets fans, just on general principles.
Click here to go to article

So.. Have you invested in property in South Africa? Have you invested in the Lives of your Family if the 2012 phenomenon is true? Contact CCTC for your investment in property in South Africa.

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