I had a discussion with Marius Theron from Remey Properties regarding what is important to their business:
1. It is important that the QS understand the specific project so that he might minimize the risk accordingly.
2. Timing is always very important, you need to take the market condition into account.
3. Use the current demand as the benchmank, you then add your niche project that creates that extra demand.
4. Nedbank according to him has seasoned property professionals that help them as developers minimize their risk.
5. To keep your finger on the pulse of your cumulative cashflow of your projects is very important.
6. You make money with buying the property, not selling the development. Eg. McDonalds is in the property business not flipping burgers.
7. A proper feasability of all finishes need to be done to maximize profit. It is the small devils that ruins the vineyard.
8. Trust your gut feeling, sometimes the project that looks too good to be true is to good to be true in the end.
9. The professional team that has a stake in the development is not always out to further the project but sometimes themselves. It limits your control.
10. Business relationships can be difficult due to conflict with non performance.
Remey Property Group : Webpage